Thursday, March 19, 2009

What did you learn at Internship?

I learned some things about myself. I found that I do not want to have a desk job that involves staring at a computer all day. I think it is just very boring and I don't think I could handle that for long periods of time. Also, I just don’t have the attention span to do that and I also get antsy.
I also found out that I enjoy recording and music involved activities very much. And through my internship I discovered that I would like to pursue recording in college and as a career.
I think that this internship was a very valuable experience because I found out that I do not want to do that for a job and I could have discovered that the hard way and used much more of my time in that work place as opposed to only two weeks. I am very glad I discovered these things about myself before it was too late.

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